About Us

We are health & wellness expert

Most medications only mask up symptoms and postpone them, eventually the problem resurface in another location or form, 

They are only temporarily fixed and do not eliminate the cause of the ailment.

But Holistic health Care is about your total wellbeing, not just fixing what hurts. 

You get a cure to your disease in a more wholesome and less stressful manner.

I’ve been working around nutrition & health for seven years until I found out I had a growing love for Holistic health care, I’ve been offering counselling service and helping people attain wholesome health through holistic approach for two years.

Holistic Health is all about caring for the whole being, providing for your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual & social needs. 

It is rooted in the understanding that all these aspects affect your overall health and being unwell in one aspect of your life affects the other aspects.

AZEEZAT Holistic Wellness understands that you’re not a part of something and so should not be treated as such but considered as a whole.

And we know that work, family, marriage and life in general comes with a lot of stress that could lead to break down, depression, frustration, illness and all sorts.

That is why we work with you to help you live a balanced, healthy and happy life irrespective of what you encounter daily.

Get my Book for FREE

The COVID19 pandemic has emerged with several changes & uncertainties;

Which has led to a growing fear amongst many people of contracting this deadly virus and the new realities of working from home, temporary unemployment, isolation, etc.

At times like this, as much as you take care of your physical health, it is also important to take care of your mental health more than ever.

This book reveals all you need to know in order to take maximum care of your mental health,

What you must & mustn’t do.

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